On April 15th, the New Jersey Civil Justice Council hosted the first in a new series of policy teleforums designed to give NJCJI supporters an inside look at some of the most pressing policy issues and court cases in New Jersey.


David Kott, a partner at McCarter & English LLP and member of the NJCJI Board, was the featured speaker at the first teleforum. Kott gave call participants some background information on business litigation in New Jersey, and discussed the recommendations included in the New Jersey Supreme Court’s Working Group on Business Litigation’s recent report analyzing the needs of the state’s business community and proposed actions by the court system that could address those needs.


As a member of the working group, Kott was able to provide detailed information about the thought-process behind many of the report’s recommendations and also answered questions from call participants about the report. Of particular note was Kott’s view that the recommended expansion of the business litigation pilot program really gets at many of the stated goals of those who desire a separate business court. The processes will be somewhat separate from the general civil court system, while the administration of the system as a whole remains undivided.